The world turns, and societies evolve. Each generation is slightly different from the ones before and after. Every generation has its unique challenges and advantages. However, there always seems to be an issue: Generations struggle to understand one another.
I want to share an experience I recently had at a restaurant. The cook claimed that the new generation of youngsters were useless and lazy, that they worked tirelessly in their time. He suggested we were just whining and being picky about jobs. We’ve all heard these types of generalizations, but they may not always be accurate.
Undoubtedly, each generation has its own difficulties, and comparing them with others is usually unhelpful. Yes, our opportunities have increased thanks to technology. However, it also made life more complex and increased competition. Our anxiety and stress levels are high due to uncertainty about the future and our career options. Living in the information age brings the necessity of constantly updating ourselves and acquiring new skills.
It may not be fair for older generations to criticize young people without considering these new challenges they have not experienced. Just as young people should not underestimate the difficulties of older generations.
Once upon a time, once you acquired a certain set of knowledge, you could use this knowledge for years and maintain a career. Today, due to technological advancements and rapid changes, we need to continually update our knowledge and skills. In addition, there are economic challenges such as the cost of living and a lack of job security.
While the older generation had more purchasing power, the young generation often faces higher living costs and uncertainty. Therefore, we need to be careful when comparing the experiences and challenges of different generations.