One of the most exciting aspects of software development is the opportunity to adapt to new technologies and use these technologies to enhance existing applications. In this post, I will share my experience migration from JavaScript to TypeScript.
Why TypeScript?
TypeScript offers the advantages of having an extended static type system. This allows for catching errors earlier, better auto-completion, and faster development processes with a more powerful toolset.
The Upgrade Process
After upgrading our Vue.js 2 project to Vue.js 3, we decided to move our JavaScript files to TypeScript. This was a critical step in improving the overall quality and maintainability of the project
However, we neither had the time nor was it practical to rewrite each JavaScript file with TypeScript. Therefore, as a quick and temporary solution, we converted all js files to ts files using a bash script.
This script changed the extension of all js files to ‘.ts’ and added `//@ts-nocheck` to the first line of each migrated ts file to prevent errors. This allowed TypeScript to skip all type checks, ensuring the existing code continued to work. This solution allowed us to make a quick transition to TypeScript without making any changes to the existing code. You can find this script in our project on GitHub.
This process provided a practical example of how to move a large JavaScript project to TypeScript. The strategy we followed allowed us to migrate to TypeScript quickly and effectively, but this was only the first step in fully moving our project to TypeScript. In the future, we aim to remove the ‘//@ts-nocheck’ statements from all files, allowing TypeScript to check the entire file, thus guaranteeing the type safety of each file.
This migration process can greatly enhance the quality and maintainability of code, especially in large projects. TypeScript provides a more secure and predictable code base, making it easier for us to find and fix errors.
If you are managing a JavaScript project and want to make your project more secure, sustainable, and easier to understand, I strongly recommend considering migration to TypeScript. This migration process may require some time and effort, but the benefits it will bring in the end are more than worth it.
In conclusion, the process of moving a JavaScript project to TypeScript can be managed quite smoothly with the right planning and strategy. If you are considering modernizing your projects using Vue.js 3 and TypeScript, I hope this article guides and inspires you in this process. The steps taken toward building better and stronger applications will shape the future of our development community.